Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me and I welcome their hatred.-FDR

Friday, January 29, 2010

Is Malkintented Retarded?

Michelle Malkintented seems to have a problem with raising the debt ceiling higher.

Let me repeat that — and let it be repeated loudly and often:
Every Senate Democrat voted to raise the debt limit to $14.3 trillion.


Can’t say it enough: There is no such thing as a “moderate Democrat” in the Senate.

Oh, now I get your point. Since the vote was on party lines, that automatically means that there are no "moderate" Democrats. Can I turn that around and say there are no "moderate" Republicans then? But from a non-biased standpoint you would have to say the Republicans are the ones who are radical here cause if you don't raise the debt ceiling, you have to pay off the debt and we can't do that without raising taxes. So all 40 Republicans are the stupid, irresponsible, and radical and by proxy, so is Malkintented.

I also loved this one:

Question: Why is Democrat MA Sen. Paul Kirk still voting?

Cause Scott Brown doesn't get inaugurated until February, dumbass.

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