Never before in all our history have these forces been so united against one candidate as they stand today. They are unanimous in their hate for me and I welcome their hatred.-FDR

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The McClane Reply

From the movie Die Hard 2:

Gen. Ramon Esperanza: Who are you?
John McClane: A cop.
Gen. Ramon Esperanza: A cop?
John McClane: Yeah. One of the good guys. You see, you're one of the bad guys.

This type of mentality reflects what I think when it pertains to politics. I have said that everything good that has ever happened in history has come from liberal ideology, now it's time for that to reflect our government and policy. Liberals are the good guys and conservatives are the bad guys, period. When it comes to the environment, peace, social justice, safety, economic justice, education, health, equality, and all our freedoms, liberals own a shutout on who is right on the issues. Conservatives on the other hand are responsible for all that is wrong and it is getting harder to deal with them.

In Die Hard 2, McClane blew up Esperanza's plane, but I don't think liberals should resort to violence against conservatives (even though conservatives might resort to violence against us.) The best revenge is success and liberals need to start taking control of every aspect of government, local, state, and national. We need to start acting tough towards conservatives, we need to call them names, and call out their lies. We need to call them racist, sexist, homophobic, bigoted, anti-environmental, insane, stupid idiots who love war and hate peace.

They are the bad guys and we are the good guys.

Of course when we start to fight back, there will always be those who start with the "both sides" crap. They will say that we are being the "Rush Limbaughs of the left." Of course this is stupid. To say that would be like calling Martin Luther King the "black George Wallace." There is no moral equivalence between the ethically challenged right and the left for calling them out on their crap and making the world a better place. Any "both sides" concern trolling should be ignored because liberals are the good guys and conservatives are the bad guys.

Repeat: liberals are the good guys and conservatives are the bad guys. Liberals are the good guys and conservatives are the bad guys. Liberals are the good guys and conservatives are the bad guys. Liberals are the good guys and conservatives are the bad guys. Liberals are the good guys and conservatives are the bad guys. Liberals are the good guys and conservatives are the bad guys........

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